aXiXa 1999 - 2004

After the break-up with his partner A. Bongers and after the collapse of Maquette, Dirk leaves for South America, accompanied by Jan Bultheel. They visit the Achuar people in ecuador, and they undergo a drug experience. Jan Bultheel records Iriar, an experimental travel story. 

When he returns to Brussel, Dirk continues under the name Maquette X XX.  He participates with several artists from other disciplines, and opens the S.M.A.K. museum in Ghent.

MAquette X XX is now performing each month in BeSPACE.BE in Brussels. Every month a new performance is made, with a new film and a new cane. At first, an audience of only a few people experiences the events, but fast enought up to 150 people witness the performances. Dirk succesively presents:

  • Shaman Me - 08/2000