- with Los Cojones del Toro: Solo performance - 1992
Awake looking over the Academie of Turnhout
- with Champ d'Action: Solo-dance choregraphy ‘Ancient Voices for Children’ of Georges Crumb - September 1997
- with Champ d’Action: Guest Dancer - Festival Huddersfield - November 1998
- with Praga Khan: director/choreographer "The Next Dimension"- July - September 2004
- with Jan Bultheel: Oitoons - 2005
- Decor/sculptures for film My Queen Karo - 2008
- with liesbeth Marri: Leading role in film YURI and the Frustration of Our Ponies - October 2012
- with Johan Jacobs: Post Mortem ( installatie EGO ) - Ghent 2015
- with Charlotte Marchall: leading role in 'A.Rimbaud'
- 'Jefke' in Beau Sejour - 2016
- with Herwig Ilegems: support role 'Clinch' - 2016
- with Herwig Ilegems: residence for opening of Academie Turnhout - September-October 2017
- Leading role in short film 'Poor' - November 2017
- with Meteor Music: leading role in 'Eon' - November 2017
- with Terry Beckx: leading role in 'KID' - April 3021
- leading role in "The Monk of the Forrest' - September 2021
- President of the Court in Undercover - September 2019